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Pursuant to Section 812 of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA), EPA conducts periodic studies to assess benefits and costs of the EPA's regulatory actions under the Clean Air Act. EPA's Office of Air and Radiation (OAR) is now nearing completion of the analytical work for a second prospective study. OAR has requested advice and review of technical documents pertaining to modeling of air quality for seven emissions scenarios to be used in the study: a 1990 baseline simulation; and simulations for 2000, 2010 and 2020 with and without the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990's. OAR is requesting the Council's Air Quality Modeling Subcommittee review the data choices, methodological choices for analyzing the data, and the overall validity and utility of the estimated changes in air quality conditions between the with-CAAA90 and without-CAAA90 scenarios.

Air Quality Modeling Subcommittee (A list of members can be found in the final report included in the Advisory Activity linked to this panel or committee.)
Stephanie Sanzone

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Public Meetings and/or Teleconferences

Meeting DateTitle
08/11/2010 to 08/11/2010AQMS Discussion of Adjustments to Particulate Matter Emissions Data for the Second Section 812 Prospective Study
05/04/2010 to 05/05/2010Council Review of Second Prospective 812 Study
03/15/2010 to 03/15/2010AQMS Teleconference to discuss draft advisory report on air quality modeling for 812 Study
02/19/2010 to 02/19/2010Air Quality Modeling Review for the Second Prospective Clean Air Act Amendments Section 812 Benefit-Cost Report

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